Saturday 5 April 2008


It only took me three days and having to start the blog from scratch -- which was probably avoidable, but meh -- but I've finally sorted the layout (expect it to change little by little over the coming weeks). Now, there's nothing left to do but post, post, post, post, post things about gaming and that. Starting with my promised GTA Retrospective series, or at least that's what I'm finally going to start doing, so if you get anything other than my much-vaunted-yet-undelivered articles, then don't moan, at least you're getting something. It's funny, I wrote that as if there is actually anyone out there reading this (if you are leave a comment, pwease!!). Ho-hum …


G.H said...

Someone is reading it. Perhaps not frequently, but someone is. I'd like to hear your opinion on GTA San Andreas (especially in comparison to III and VC).
In case you're wondering who the hell I am: it's Neko from TGN.

TheFighterOfFoo said...

'Sup, Neko?

I've just started writing it, I've basically just planned out what I've got to mention and all I've got to do is write it out properly.

I've always got about 5 articles on the go at all times as it helps split up the monotony of writing about one thing for hours.
Not sure when it'll be ready, sometime later this week, methinks.

Also, I'm just about to start writing up the GTA IV Prospective (it's basically a preview with a fancy name).

Thanks for reading! I appreciate it!