Saturday 29 March 2008

I Needs Me My Rock Band

The USA have been clacking along to the tunes of Rock Band for a good while now, yet we in Europe have yet to be even given a release date. It's lucky Activision are milking the Guitar Hero cash-cow and released Guitar Hero III before Christmas, otherwise we'd have had to go and play real guitars, drums and learn how to sing.

Well, GHIII has been and pretty much gone (well, that's unfair as there are a fair few downloadable songs on offer) and, well, we need something else to click our strum bars to. Residents of the US have been spoilt for choice, as both games have been available to them for ages now. Lucky fuckers.

EA, Harmonix, get this game over here soon. At the very least give us a frickin' release date. Yes, the exclusive songs are awesome (Hysteria by Muse is a more than welcome inclusion), but they're pretty useless if we don't have the game to play them on. At the mo, they be nought more than mere pipe-dreams.


Please, EA, please. It's either that or we'll have to buy Guitar Hero Aerosmith.

And no-one wants that.

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