Sunday 30 March 2008

Final Fantasy XII - Will My Second Time Be More Successful?

I love the Final Fantasy games. I own FFI, FFII, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX and FFXII and have played through the majority of them, clocking up hours and hours of gaming.

"Yes, but have you completed any of them?"

Is the question I believe you might very well be asking.

My answer … no. A travesty, I know. It's just that, it's either these games get way too hard, way too annoying or I get a new game because I buy games often, and Final Fantasy games can take an absolute age to complete.

So, I've given the Final Fantasy games their very own scoring system, based on the reason why I didn't complete them.

Final Fantasy VII: Play the game for an absolute age, get incredibly far, go to a dungeon and get killed by an enemy in one fatal swipe.

My rating: *drops controller, cries*

Final Fantasy VIII: Defeat Seifer for the third time, have an incredibly hard time doing so, then in the following cutscene, he just gets up and runs off. What's the point in an incredibly hard boss battle only for the boss to get up straight after and run off?

My rating: "Fuck that!"

Final Fantasy IX: I think I've played through this about 3 times, never actually completing it, though, but getting very far. I think I just couldn't be bothered on every occasion I stopped playing it.

My rating: "Ooh, a new game!"

Final Fantasy X: I can't really remember why I stopped playing this. I think the first time, I got incredibly far, but couldn't be bothered. The second time, I have no idea …

My rating: "Ooh, a new game!"

Final Fantasy XII: Hmm. This one is just as puzzling. I think it just got a little too hard for me and I kept dying. It might be a mixture of two reasons, actually:

My rating: "Oh, FFS! I keep dying … ooh, a new game!"

So, here it is. This is why I'm telling you this. I am currently going through FFXII again. Hopefully, I'll get through it. I'm even considering buying a game guide for it. I'm sure you can't complete a Final Fantasy game without one. Either that, or I'm rubbish at RPGs.

So, at the moment I'm only about 6 hours into the game, which in Final Fantasy terms, means I've barely skimmed the surface. When I crack through the surface, or at least make the surface see-through, I'll let you know.

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